Italian cookie easy

Italian cookie easy

Monday, December 27, 2010

Spicy kebabs

Today I propose this very spicy and tasty appetizer! I decided to make these skewers tease before each course to stop the feeling of hunger that assails us and with whom we eat whatever is at hand.

Also because when my boyfriend to know that dinner comes from work hungry and since I do not like to cook in a hurry, always prepare some good marrow to stop hunger sudden and let cook in peace!

However I did small doses because I prepared a dish first.

2 sausage
1 medium potato
Black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil


     * As a first step to peel the potato and cut into small pieces and boil in plenty of water (not salt water) for at least ten minutes, so that subsequent cooking in the pan does not require too much time.
     * When the potato seems to have somewhat 'softened, (be careful not to be fully cooked), drain.
     * In a pan pour a little oil and add the pieces of potato. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for ten or fifteen minutes depending on the previous cooking.
     * Turn occasionally to brown all sides.
     * Halfway through cooking, remember to add the spices: black pepper, rosemary, paprika and salt.
     * When the potatoes will be cooked off and let it warm.
     * In another pan cook the sausage, cut into strips with a little olive oil. Spicy sausage and season with salt.
     * When the sausage is cooked well, make the skewers, alternating ingredients.
     * And here's the tasty skewers ready "stop gap".

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